six sigma belts

Six Sigma Belts – Hierarchy and Certification

Six Sigma (SS) professionals are placed in various levels based on their certification. They are also ranked based on the roles they play in SS implementation. These levels are known as Six Sigma Belts. The levels of Six Sigma belts hierarchy are: white belt, yellow belt, green belt, black belt and master black belt. six sigma belts

During SS implementation, the various six sigma belts take part at different levels in project implementation. On the other hand, other SS stakeholders like champions and executives provide organizational support. They set the direction for identifying and executing projects. In addition, Six Sigma champions and executives ensure that projects fit into the organizational plan, are valuable and are successful.

Why get a six sigma certification?

Six Sigma certifications are not easy to achieve. Thus, they give professionals an edge over their competitors. The certifications make professionals stand out and increase their chances of a better income.

Six Sigma professionals are valued employees in any organization. They know the right approaches to employ to increase revenue and reduce costs. Also, Six Sigma employees are skilled in streamlining organizational processes and boosting staff involvement.

Furthermore, taking SS training and acquiring its certifications prepare one for leadership positions. Attaining a Six Sigma belt level boosts the status of professionals. They become highly sought-after. In fact, Six Sigma professionals tend to get better jobs and get promoted faster than their peers.

Thus, in this article, you will:

  • Understand the concept of Six Sigma belts.
  • Learn the benefits of Six Sigma certification.
  • Be able to differentiate the levels of Six Sigma belts hierarchy.
  • Understand the role of Six Sigma white belt.
  • Learn the functions of Six Sigma yellow belt.
  • Explain the level of Six Sigma green belt.
  • Understand the role of Six Sigma black belt.
  • Distinguish between the roles of Six Sigma black belt and master black belt.

Six Sigma Belts

In the 1980s, companies like Honeywell and Motorola implemented Six Sigma as a method of improving their processes. By the 1990s, about 500 other companies also deployed the methodology. Six Sigma is a management tool used by organizations to improve quality in business processes by reducing errors and waste.

Today, almost every industry employs Six Sigma principles to improve their operations, quality of products and services, profitability and customer satisfaction. However, Six Sigma projects are usually managed by professionals. These professionals must have undergone specific training, often with certifications.

The roles of Six Sigma professionals are distinguished by the hierarchy of their belts. Darker belts in the hierarchy represent roles that require more skills, expertise and training and vice versa. The Six Sigma belts are the white belt, yellow belt, green belt, black belt and master black belt. Individuals with active training and certification on any of the belts are considered of huge benefit to organizations in the long and short term.

Six Sigma belt colours originated from popular Japanese martial arts Judo and Karate. Like Six Sigma professionals, Karate practitioners are placed on specific levels based on their skills and mastery of the art. By so doing, practitioners can easily understand their skill set and mastery levels. These levels are distinguished by various belt colours.

Six Sigma Certification

SS implementation could be a long and complex process. It requires attention to the minutest of details. Hence, the need for Six Sigma certifications to ensure qualified and competent individuals are involved.

Six Sigma certifications can be obtained from a number of certification bodies. The American Society of Quality (ASQ) and the International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC) are common examples of SS certification bodies. However, the responsibility lies with the individual desiring certification or the individual’s company to research and compare programs before engaging with any certification body. Although each certification body offers a range of programs, they are similar in some ways.

Furthermore, unlike some other professional certifications, SS does not constitute a certification ladder. This means that a lower Six Sigma belt level is not a prerequisite for a higher one. For example, one does not need a yellow belt certification to acquire a black belt certification.

ASQ Certification

The ASQ certification program offers 18 certifications. Its certifications include the yellow belt, green belt, black belt and master black belt.

The other 14 certifications offered by the ASQ are specific to job roles.

IASSC Certification

On the other hand, the IASSC certification focuses on Lean Six Sigma. Lean Six Sigma is a combination of Lean manufacturing processes and principles within the Six Sigma framework. This program offers only three reputable certifications which are: certified yellow belt, certified green belt and certified black belt.

In addition, IASSC is distinct in the SS field because it does not require training. To acquire certifications from IASSC, one does not need to have any previous work experience or active training on projects. The main requirement for IASSC is for candidates to pass a written examination.

As a general principle, candidates who desire Six Sigma certification are required to have certain experiences. These experiences may include a college, university or work experience. Also, candidates are required to pass a written certification examination and show a level of expertise.

Other Certifications

Apart from ASQ and IASSC, other organizations that offer SS training and certifications are Six Sigma Certification, Tulsa and Villanova University. However, the Council of Six Sigma Certification regulates the Body of Knowledge for black belts, green belts and yellow belts. In addition, this council accredits organizations that administer certifications.

Six Sigma Belts Hierarchy

The Six Sigma belts hierarchy originated from martial arts. This hierarchy begins from the white belt and goes up to the master black belt. However, a lower six sigma belt level is not a criterion for a higher level. Each belt level offers a different role and benefits from the other.

The white belt: This is the first level in the six sigma belts hierarchy.  It is the introductory level of SS certification. The white belt requires little training and is easy to attain. An employee at this level can assist problem-solving teams in large projects that are not exclusive to SS.

The yellow belt: In general, yellow belts are employees with basic training in SS methodologies. Nevertheless, they report to project leaders who are green or black belts. Yellow belts participate in projects as core team members. They show their expertise by assisting to develop Six Sigma “process maps”.

The green belts are process improvement team leaders. As team leaders, they are expected to possess leadership qualities that motivate team members and foster team participation. A green belt would be expected to gather relevant data and ensure measurement systems are validated.

The black belt is the next level after the green belt. They spend all their time handling Six Sigma projects. Black belts are coached by master black belts. In turn, they guide green yellow and white belts. Black belts require strong leadership skills and a vast in the knowledge of SS principles.

The master black belt is the highest level of Six Sigma belts hierarchy. At this level, they should be able to provide high-level strategies for improving the organization. Master black belts are leaders of the organization’s SS project. They also coach black belts and green belts. A master black belt holder should be able to convey relevant facts about the organization’s processes to executives and senior management.

In addition…

There are the champions and executives who hold black belts and master black belts accountable for the project. Champions are usually part of the senior management while executives constitute the top management staff, including the CEO. Executives set out the goals of the organization in implementing SS. In addition, they make funds available to support the project.

Six Sigma White Belt

Six Sigma belt ranking helps improve quality, including the white belt. The white belt is important to the SS process because of the huge support they give. Six Sigma white belts can provide creative input as well as collect useful data for the project.

In addition, the white belt is the initial level where potential SS practitioners are recruited. Therefore, professionals who show enthusiasm can be trained further as yellow or green belts. They might also decide to obtain higher levels in the Six Sigma belts hierarchy.

However, the Six Sigma white belt training is best suited for employees who are not used to Six Sigma principles. At this level, they could learn more about Six Sigma methodologies from scratch and its impact on organizations. More so, white belt training is ideal for managers that desire to apply SS in their processes. It is suitable for employees who work for organizations that wish to implement SS. Also, this training is recommended for anyone passionate about quality improvement and best practices.

Furthermore, Six Sigma white belt certification does not require any eligibility. However, the training covers an introduction to Six Sigma principles and methodology. Also, it covers basics in understanding customer’s needs, how to define a project and how to measure current performance. Six Sigma white belt provides training on how to sustain improvements and basics of DMAIC processes. In addition, practitioners gain knowledge on ways to minimize wastes in order to increase customer satisfaction.

Six Sigma Yellow Belt

The Six Sigma yellow belt is not used in all SS organizations. Its implementation varies based on the type of industry. Yellow belts must be able to recognise and accept constructive feedback from managers. They must have knowledge of how to manage different processes. Additionally, yellow belts must show a drive for improvements as it pertains to the organization’s processes. They should also have a basic knowledge of data analysis.

At this level, aspirants are trained in basic knowledge of Six Sigma tools and methodologies. Typically, yellow belts assist green belts, black belts and master black belts in executing projects. They cannot lead projects on their own. In some cases, yellow belts manage small projects that require PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology.

Moreover, Six Sigma yellow belt training is ideal for professionals who desire to make a career in quality management. It is also suitable for managers that are interested in implementing Six Sigma methodologies. Yellow belt training can be acquired from third-party organizations.

Generally, it takes about 1-3 weeks to obtain a certification in Six Sigma yellow belt. However, programmes are usually self-paced, so candidates can move at their desired speed. At the end of their training, candidates will be required to write a certification examination to test their understanding of Six Sigma yellow belt roles.

Six Sigma Green Belt

A Six Sigma green belt is well-versed in DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control). Understanding DMAIC will help them evaluate opportunities, improve analytical skills and work over complications in the Six Sigma process.

More so, Six Sigma green belts play an active role in the implementation and improvements of Six Sigma processes. They carry out instructions handed down to them by the black belts. Green belts and black belts work together as a team to eliminate errors in project implementations. Also, Six Sigma green belts perform the function of monitoring the progress of the implemented process.

However, to obtain a certification in Six Sigma green belt, professionals require 3-4 years of full-time employment experience. Part-time jobs and internships do not count as employment experiences. In addition, professionals seeking green belt certification in SS are expected to show perseverance and leadership skills. They should also demonstrate logical prowess and a passion for improvement.

Furthermore, green belt certification courses include an introduction of SS in organizations. It also involves understanding the objectives of the organization side by side the Six Sigma project. The green belt certification courses also cover utilisation of Six Sigma tools and DMAIC.

Besides, a well-trained Six Sigma green belt can easily become a replacement for black belts. Green belts should be conversant with creating and threading charts for analysing project reports. As a matter of fact, Six Sigma green belt program is multi-faceted and qualifies professionals to function well in various industries.

Six Sigma Black Belt

Six Sigma black belt is one of the key roles in the Six Sigma belt hierarchy. They are highly skilled in using Six Sigma tools and methodologies. Black belts are also called agents of change. In addition, Six Sigma black belts understand team dynamics and demonstrate team leadership. They are responsible for assigning roles and duties to team members. Black belts are proficient in Lean methodology and DMAIC.

Moreover, black belts possess a number of qualities that enable them to perform their roles properly. They understand that giving customers the right support is key to achieving process improvements. Black belts are key agents of change in organizational processes.

Typically, since black belts are project leaders, they should have a good knowledge of project management. In addition, black belts should possess a good amount of computer analytical skills and leadership skills. Developing people management skills and interpersonal skills will help them work well with their team, influence and motivate them.

However, one has to complete four weeks of SS training to become a black belt. Professionals also have to demonstrate expertise in the program by completing projects and an examination. After successfully completing the program, black belts are expected to graduate to a master black belt within a period of 3-5 years.

Six Sigma Master Black Belt

The Six Sigma master black belt is the peak of the Six Sigma belts hierarchy. A master black belt analyses processes, seeks opportunities for improvements and supervises project implementations. They are skilled in statistical and mathematical methodologies that are beneficial to organizations. Generally, master black belts are mentors, coaches, analysts and technical experts.

Furthermore, Six Sigma master black belts posses the ability to understand complex processes. They supervise organizational processes to identify and implement necessary improvements. Master black belts are well experienced in Six Sigma tools and techniques so that they can be able to deal with complex situations.

In addition, a master black belt should possess good communication and interpersonal skills. These skills are useful for motivating employees and getting managers, senior managers, green and black belts involved in executing projects. Master black belts bridge the communication gap between subordinates and senior management.


In summary, Six Sigma belts are the various roles that professionals play in the execution of Six Sigma projects. They are the white belt, green belt, yellow belt, black belt and master black belt. These belts are identified and ranked based on their colours. The darker the colour, the more expertise and training needed to function in that role.

Six Sigma certifications can be obtained from a number of certification bodies. For example, the American Society of Quality (ASQ) and the International Association for Six Sigma (IASSC). Apart from certification examinations, some of these bodies also offer training needed for SS proficiency.

Six Sigma yellow belt and white belt require basic knowledge of Six Sigma methodology. As such, they do not partake actively in the execution of SS projects. Unlike higher belt levels, white belts and yellow belts play the role of project members and assistants.

However, Six Sigma green belt, black belt and master black belt are at higher levels of Six Sigma belt hierarchy. They are actively involved in the implementation of the Six Sigma projects. Typically, green belts, black belts and master black belts are versed in their knowledge of SS. Among other key functions, they play the role of team leaders. Also, they mentor and coach those at lower Six Sigma belt levels.


Finally, professionals who possess Six Sigma belts training and certification have more advantage than their competitors. They are well armed to occupy leadership positions in any organisation. In the Six Sigma belts hierarchy, the black belts have the highest market demand.

If you have any questions about this article or on quality improvement in health in general, feel free to drop me a message via the contact page.

Relevant links

Six Sigma in Healthcare: Concept, Benefits and Examples

Lean in Healthcare – History, Tools & Examples

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