lean vs six sigma

Lean Vs Six Sigma: Similarities and Differences

There is usually a controversy about lean vs six sigma. Although most people would readily pick one over the other, both methods have certain differences and similarities. lean vs six sigma

Lean and six sigma are both techniques managers use to help improve quality and efficiency. With lean, businesses are able to control their costs, eliminate wastes and create a flow in the production process. On the other hand, six sigma help businesses improve their processes by reducing the chance of any errors occurring. Both methods help businesses to boost profits, quality of products and services as well as profitability.

Therefore, lean and six sigma help businesses to achieve the same goal. They eliminate wastes and improve the overall efficiency of the business process. However, they achieve this in different ways.

The aim of every business is to improve its processes in a way that meet and exceed customer expectations. As a result, the confusion of which method to adopt arises. It is important that managers understand the differences and similarities of lean vs six sigma. By so doing, they will be able to select the option that suits their business or learn the best way to combine both methods.

This article looks at the similarities and differences between the following:

  • Lean vs six sigma
  • Lean vs kaizen
  • Lean vs agile
  • Six sigma vs kaizen
  • Six sigma vs agile

Lean vs Six Sigma

The origin of lean can be traced to the Toyota Production System (TPS). Since the mid-1950s, TPS has been known for its efficiency, quality and employee involvement. Today, lean has become the standard for efficiency and excellence in many industries. Basically, lean helps to reduce wastes and improve the quality of business processes.

One major difference between lean vs six sigma is how they discover and eliminate wastes. Lean identifies and removes wastes in seven areas. These seven areas are overproduction, waiting, transportation, motion, over-processing, inventory and defects. Meanwhile, six sigma identifies and eliminates wastes by reducing errors to the barest minimum. The major aim of six sigma is identifying and eliminating variations that cause defects in a process, product or service.

Six sigma was introduced for the very first time in the 70s. By the mid-1980s, it had become popular. Companies like Honeywell and Motorola implemented six sigma as a method of improving their processes. Today, almost every industry employs six sigma principles to improve their operations, quality, profitability and customer satisfaction.

Another difference between lean vs six sigma is that six sigma is more effective in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. Whereas, lean works better for businesses in the manufacturing sector. In addition, the six sigma concept borders around three methods. They are DMAIC, DFSS and process management.

Furthermore, lean aims to increase workflow, while six sigma looks at achieving consistent results. Lean seeks to maximize the value of products and services with as few resources as possible. Conversely, six sigma emphasises customer needs, expectations and satisfaction as well as business profitability and productivity.

Nevertheless, lean vs six sigma both improve the business process, quality of products and services and the customers’ experience. lean vs six sigma is deployed for quality improvements. They help deliver quality products and services, reduce waste, improve time management and decrease cycle time.

Lean vs Kaizen

Lean Vs Six Sigma shouldn’t be confused with lean vs kaizen.

Kaizen is another method of quality improvement. This concept is based on the fact that a series of incremental improvements can cause a positive change in business processes.

Kaizen is a Japanese word that means ‘change for better’. It originated from the Japanese theory of work. In the late 1980s, this concept helped Toyota manufacturing plants in Japan to be more efficient than their counterparts. As such, companies in the United States and across the world also adopted this methodology.

In addition, kaizen focuses on improving productivity and creating a continuous flow of information and resources. It achieves this by eliminating wastes and inefficiencies in the work process.

Hence, lean vs kaizen is similar because they both work at improving business efficiency. While lean focuses on seven key areas, kaizen pays attention to general improvements. Kaizen encourages continuous improvements and a never-ending process of change. As such, lean vs kaizen places more emphasis on the process than the workers.

Nevertheless, a major difference between lean vs kaizen is the way they identify inefficiencies. Lean focuses on identifying and eliminating wastes in seven key areas. They are overproduction, waiting, transportation, motion, over-processing, inventory and defects. Meanwhile, kaizen philosophy identifies inefficiencies based on 10 principles.

Another difference between lean vs kaizen is the way they enhance creativity. Kaizen enhances creativity through proactiveness. With kaizen methodology, employees are less reactive. They learn to identify and eliminate wastes before they occur. As a result, they are able to eliminate old practices and say no to the status quo. Whereas, lean tends to go with the norm and prevalent practices.

Lean vs kaizen work hand in hand to achieve quality improvements. While lean eliminates wastes and increases employee enthusiasm, it can never achieve this without kaizen.

Lean vs Agile

Lean and agile are both used to implement quality changes in business processes. However, it is important to understand their similarities and differences in order to apply them correctly.

Lean methodology derives its principles from Lean Manufacturing. Generally, this method is used to eliminate inefficiencies in business processes. lean helps businesses to cut down on unnecessary meetings, methods, tasks and documentation. In addition, this method improves and changes the entire system of a business. On the other hand, agile is defined by a set of principles established in the Agile Manifesto. This manifesto emphasises certain values like the interaction of individuals, working software and responding to change.

Generally, the difference between lean vs agile is that while agile focuses on the development process, lean focuses on a production process. Also, lean is implemented on a process while agile is applied within a team.

In as much as lean vs agile is different, they are similar in certain ways. For instance, both methods boost teamwork, bonding and cooperation amongst employees. Hence, lean vs agile blames the cause of inefficiencies on the process rather than their employees.

Furthermore, lean vs agile is similar in the way they create value for the customer. The ultimate goal of these two methods is to improve the processes, product or service and enhance customer satisfaction. Agile achieves this by allowing the customer to continuously adjust their needs. Meanwhile, lean enables businesses to manufacture products in a way that meets and exceeds customer expectations.

Nevertheless, it is important that businesses carefully understand the similarities and differences of lean vs agile. By so doing, they will be able to apply the right method for their processes. It is clear that Lean Vs Six Sigma is different from lean vs agile.

Six Sigma vs Kaizen

Six sigma and kaizen are management concepts used to improve business processes. They both help to reduce wastes and eliminating defects. While six sigma vs kaizen may achieve the same result, their approaches differ. However, they can both be effective if businesses learn to apply them correctly.

Bill Smith came up with the concept of six sigma in the 1980s with an emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction. In statistics, sigma is used to represent a standard deviation from the mean. Therefore, six sigma focuses on consistency. It seeks to reduce variations that could lead to defects. Meanwhile, kaizen originated from the Japanese philosophy of work and focuses on incremental improvements.

In addition, six sigma is based on the idea that to reduce costs, businesses have to first eliminate defects. Instead of focusing on customer loyalty, it aims at developing high-quality processes, services and products. Notwithstanding, six sigma emphasises customer needs, expectations and satisfaction. As a result, it involves the customer in the process of change.

On the other hand, kaizen has a broader scope than six sigma. It looks at improving every area of the business to achieve efficiency. It aims at comparing existing results against certain preconditions. Kaizen helps businesses structure their processes in a way that is repeatable.

In general, six sigma vs kaizen is different in their approach. Six sigma makes use of statistical analysis, while kaizen does not. While six sigma pays attention to consistency and variation, kaizen focuses on continuous improvements.

However, six sigma vs kaizen helps businesses to reduce costs, improve productivity and boost profitability. As such, both methods help to reduce defects and boost overall efficiency. In essence, six sigma vs kaizen improves the quality of business processes, products and services.

Six Sigma vs Agile

Six sigma and agile are management tools used to implement quality improvements.

Six sigma is a system that aims at eliminating defects and reducing variation. This method helps businesses to boost quality and efficiency. It makes the most effective use of statistical tools, rather than guesswork. Also, six sigma helps to identify defects, eliminate them and optimize business processes. Nevertheless, six sigma makes use of the DMAIC model to implement improvements. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analise, Improve and Control.

On the other hand, agile is an incremental project delivery method that focuses on the product. It employs a customer-centred approach to improve the product. The highest priority of agile is customer satisfaction. Hence, it emphasises customer collaboration over contract negotiations.

Although six sigma vs agile is similar in the way they drive quality, they make use of different approaches. First and foremost, six sigma is very cumbersome to implement and relies heavily on statistics. It employs a blend of statistical tools and data analysis. Meanwhile, agile focuses on customer relationships, patterns and institutions. With six sigma, high variations mean inconsistency, while agile has a high variability by nature.

In addition, six sigma has wider coverage than agile. Six sigma performs offline and online and it is applicable to any type of business. However, it only certified and trained professionals can do it. On the other hand, agile works well in software development.

Furthermore, six sigma vs agile are different types of improvement tools. Six sigma is useful in management to reduce defects and variations. It helps to measure process quality. The goal of six sigma is to improve the end product. Whereas, agile is a process tool that focuses on quantity rather than quality.

As you can see, six sigma vs agile have a lot of differences. Nevertheless, businesses can use both methods together when executing certain projects.


There are different methods businesses can employ for process improvements. For example, lean, six sigma, kaizen and agile. Although there are a lot of arguments about these methods in the business world, they achieve the same results. However, it is important for businesses to know their differences and similarities so that they can make better choices.

First and foremost, businesses can employ lean vs kaizen to their processes. Lean helps to eliminate wastes and reduce variations in business processes. on the other hand, kaizen helps businesses to improve their productivity as well as reduce inefficiencies. Nevertheless, both methods differ in their approaches.

In addition, businesses can use lean vs agile to achieve quality and enhance customer satisfaction. Lean helps businesses to tailor their products to suit customer needs. Similarly, agile focuses on the customer to improve the product.

Furthermore, six sigma vs kaizen is a perfect combination for reducing cost, improving productivity and boosting profitability. Meanwhile, six sigma vs agile helps businesses to improve efficiency and eliminate wastes from their processes. Although these methods are applied differently, they help to achieve the same results.

In conclusion…

lean vs six sigma debate may continue to linger in the world of quality improvement. The most important thing is that you choose a method and apply its principles.

For more about quality improvement methods, feel free to explore the following articles:

Six Sigma in Healthcare: Concept, Benefits and Examples

Lean in Healthcare – History, Tools & Examples

Total Quality Management Principles, Concept and Importance

FMEA In Six Sigma: RPN, Tools and FMEA Examples

Kaizen Event – Types, Examples, Agenda and Checklist


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